Passion Camp Questions

Registration includes transportation between Lifebridge and Daytona, hotel rooms, all meals, conference admission ticket, a camp shirt, and a swag bag.

We will open the application to serve with us at Passion Camp in January and close it in March. You will find the application on this page beginning January 1st. We may send parents information on opportunities to serve with us as needs arise.

You can learn more about serving with us at Passion Camp HERE.

Wake has a team of 50 adults stewards and staff who faithfully serve your students each year. Many are crew leaders with us throughout the school year, and know each student in their crew well. Some are only able to serve with us in the summers, and look forward to Camp each year. Our team is background checked and trained on protocols and best practices. They serve faithfully and are committed to supporting your students in their walk with Jesus.

The Ocean Center, where sessions take place, requires that all bags are clear upon entrance. Their security team checks bags and admissions tickets before each session. There are also security staff members throughout the venue at all times. We as a church provide additional safety and security measures. We provide bright colored lanyards for our team to be able to easily identify students from afar. Students are required to always be with a leader, whether at the hotel, conference center, or during free time.

When we arrive to Daytona Beach on Monday, students will have time to settle into their hotel rooms and have dinner before the first session at 8:00pm. Tuesday through Thursday follow the schedule shown below. On Friday, Wake Students have sunrise worship before packing up and heading back to Orlando around 10am.

9:30a – Squad Wars
10:15a – Session
12:00p – Lunch
12:30p – Free Time
5:30p – Dinner
7:00p – Session
9:30p – Crews

Students have free time between lunch and dinner, and usually lasts around four hours. They are able to walk in the areas surrounding the hotel, relax on the beach or at the pool, or stay in the hotel. The local boardwalk and some attractions are off limits to Wake students. Students are required to be with a leader at all times, including during free time. We also have Lifebridge staff members stationed throughout the hotel to be on the lookout for students needing assistance.

Lifebridge provides breakfast and snacks to students daily, and always provides options for students with dietary restrictions and allergies. Lunch and dinner are provided by Passion — they have a food station separate from the rest for students with any dietary restrictions or allergies. As long as we are made aware of any dietary restrictions and allergies upon registration, we can make necessary accommodations.

Lifebridge brings a certified nurse to handle all medical concerns, whether it be daily medication, sicknesses, or injuries. If a student becomes sick or injured, their emergency contact will be made aware immediately to discuss a plan of action, and pickup may be requested.

Crews (small groups) consist of up to 20 students in a certain grade and gender. They are led by 2-3 crew leaders.

Hotel rooms sleep between four and six people. All rooms have either 3 students and a leader or 4-5 students. Any room without a leader will be adjacent to a room with a leader. All leaders will have their own bed. Some students will share a bed or sleep on an air mattress.

During Passion Camp, often our most impactful time each day is in our crews (small groups). This is a time where your student will talk and share with other students of their same age and gender after each evening session. Over the years we have seen God bless this time with insightful conversations about scripture, confession and reconciliation, as well as students coming to a saving faith in Christ. We don’t want the conversations to end at Camp though, which is why we encourage students to attend Wake every Wednesday night throughout the school year. We believe that following Camp, gathering together routinely with likeminded brothers and sisters in Christ is of the utmost importance for believers both young and old.