Lifebridge Kids Weekly Recap

Out of Egypt

Volume 1, Unit 4 (April 21 – May 12):

Many years had passed since God used Joseph to rescue His people from a famine by bringing them into Egypt. Now, however, God’s people were in bondage and needed to be rescued. God raised up a new rescuer, Moses, to deliver His people out of Egypt and lead them back to the promised land. 

Lifebridge Kids meets every Sunday during regular Gathering Times –  8:30a, 10a or 11:30a

Sunday, May 12 // Recap

In 1969, the Baltimore Colts were highly favored to win Super Bowl III over the New York Jets. Even though his team was the underdog, Jets quarterback Joe Namath guaranteed that his team would win the Super Bowl. It was a bold promise to make, but the Jets did in fact defeat the Colts by a score of 16-7. Joe Namath became famously known as Broadway Joe—the quarterback who made a guarantee and then delivered. 

As we read the Bible, we see that God is a promise maker. Even in the garden where Adam and Eve chose to sin and ruined their relationship with their Creator, God guaranteed that a Rescuer would come to battle the serpent and ultimately defeat sin. 

Throughout the Old Testament, God continued to remind His people about the promise of a Savior. The prophet Isaiah spoke about a Messiah to be born of a virgin and a king coming from the family of David. Isaiah spoke of how the Messiah would suffer, but also how his suffering would bring peace. For those waiting on a Messiah, Isaiah was giving hope that God would soon deliver on His promise. 

Hundreds of years later, Jesus was born of a virgin, born into the family of David, and suffered on the cross to bring peace between God and all who believe. Jesus was the fulfillment of all Isaiah’s prophecies, and He is the fulfillment of God’s promise to send a rescuer. Not only is God a promise maker, but He is also a promise keeper. When God makes a guarantee, we can always trust that He will deliver. 

God keeps His promises. He remembered His promise to send a Rescuer and sent His Son, Jesus, into the world as a baby. Jesus grew up and provided salvation for sinners by dying on the cross and rising from the dead.

God is not a man, that he might lie, or a son of man, that he might change His mind. 
Does he speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill? 
Numbers 23:19

1. What does it mean to say Jesus is the Prince of Peace?   

Guide kids to discuss the ways Jesus brings peace to earth. Help them think through Jesus’ death and resurrection to bring peace between God and people. Point out the way Christians are empowered to love one another despite any social, cultural, ethnic, or economic differences. Jesus unites all kinds of people to God and one another in peace.

2. How have you experienced God’s faithfulness?   

Guide kids to think about the ways God has come through for them or for your family. Encourage them to think about the ways God has kept different promises from Scripture, such as the promise to give us joy when we trust Him or the promise to be with us always. Help them think about the ways God provides for their needs, just as Jesus said He would. 

3. What are some reasons you might struggle to trust God’s faithfulness?   

Allow the kids to offer suggestions of times they have trouble trusting God. Be prepared with examples from your own life. Talk about God’s timing; explain that waiting thousands of years for God to fulfill a promise can be difficult. Remind the kids that many people lived and died waiting for Jesus to come the first time, but they had faith in God—they knew He would someday keep His promise, even if they didn’t know when. Jesus’ promise to return may not happen in our lifetime, but we still have faith that God’s timing is perfect.

4. What do Jesus’ names tell us about Him?

Help kids recall the names in Isaiah 9: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. These names tell us who Jesus is and the great things He would do. Jesus would be a king who cares about His people. He would bring peace to the whole world.  (Read John 16:33.)

5. Why should we tell others how God kept His promise by sending Jesus?

Remind kids that sin separates us from God. Guide kids to consider how the Gospel frees us from the guilt of sin. Encourage kids to think of how the Gospel affects those around us, as well.  (Read Rom. 6:23.)

6. When can we tell others about God’s faithfulness?

Encourage kids to think of times throughout the day that they experience God’s faithfulness. Invite kids to think of major promises like those in the Bible that they can share with others. Remind kids that telling others about God’s faithfulness pleases God and brings honor to Him.  (Read Ps. 63:4-5.)

Purchase a small step stool from a hardware store and gather a variety of art supplies.

+ As a family, read Psalm 145:13 and 2 Corinthians 1:20.

+ Discuss how God is faithful in everything He says and does. Remind your kids that Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s greatest promise.

+ Use the art supplies to write these verses on the step stool. Remind your kids that we can always stand on the promises of God because they will never fail.

Optional:  Use a large piece of paper or poster board and draw stairs on it.  Use that to decorate and write the Bible verses on instead of the step stool.