Unit 9 – Sunday, September 8 – Sunday, October 13
God’s people were in the promised land, but not all was well. Generation after generation continued a cycle of sin with troubling consequences. Because God is just and holy, He did not allow His people’s sin to go unchecked. Because He is also loving and gracious, He provided forgiveness through repentance.
Lifebridge Kids meets every Sunday during regular Gathering Times – 8:30a, 10a or 11:30a
Sunday, September 22 // Recap
Boaz was a family redeemer. He helped his close relatives who were in trouble. Boaz cared for Ruth and Naomi because their husbands had died. In a similar way, Jesus is our Redeemer. We need help because we sin. Jesus bought our salvation for us by taking our punishment when He died on the cross.
Can you imagine what it would be like to go deep inside a cave with no flashlight? Spelunkers—people who explore caves—say it is one of the scariest places on Earth! The heavy darkness of an unlit cave is the ultimate example of what it means to feel alone and how scary that can be.
When we read the story of Naomi, we see how she was experiencing loneliness and sadness. Her husband and sons had died, and she was in a strange land with just her two daughters-inlaw. So, Naomi decided she would return to her home in Bethlehem, but she gave permission for the two younger women to return to their families in Moab. But Ruth said to Naomi, “Where you go, I will go … your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.” So, the two women returned to Bethlehem together.
Ruth’s decision to follow Naomi was also a decision to trust and follow the one true God. The loneliness these widows had felt was now overpowered by the love they had for one another. And God continued to add to that family through Boaz—who married Ruth and bought back the land Naomi’s family had lost. Through Ruth and Boaz, God had completely restored the inheritance and the family of Naomi. Not only that, but Ruth and Boaz had a son named Obed. When Obed grew up, he was the father of Jesse, who was the father of King David! God made Naomi’s family a part of Jesus’ family tree!
Boaz cared for Ruth and Naomi. In a much greater way, Jesus is our Redeemer. When sin left us alone and separated from God, Jesus is the One who paid for our sins and adopts anyone who believes in Him!
Boaz was a family redeemer. He helped his close relatives who were in trouble. Boaz cared for Ruth and Naomi because their husbands had died. In a similar way, Jesus is our Redeemer. We need help because we sin. Jesus bought our salvation for us by taking our punishment when He died on the cross.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
1. Why was Ruth’s devotion to Naomi so amazing?
Point out that Ruth was not an Israelite woman. Even so, Ruth promised to stay with Naomi and follow her wherever she went. Instead of abandoning Naomi, Ruth became Naomi’s family and put her faith in the one true God.
2. How does Boaz point to Jesus?
Help kids recognize that Boaz redeemed Ruth to provide everything she and Naomi needed. Even though Ruth had nothing to offer Boaz, Boaz still loved her. In a similar way, we cannot earn salvation from Jesus. We are all dead in sin, but Jesus still loves us. Jesus died on the cross and rose again so that everyone who trusts Him will be redeemed. Jesus provides for all our needs.
3. Why did Ruth need a family redeemer?
Explain that in the times of Naomi and Ruth, only men owned homes or land. When Naomi and Ruth’s husbands died, they did not own any property anymore. They needed a man from their family to buy back the land and take care of them. Boaz was a man from Naomi’s family. Boaz was willing to buy back the land for Naomi and marry Ruth. Boaz was their family redeemer.
4. What does it mean that Jesus is our Redeemer?
Explain to kids that the word redeem means to buy or pay off a debt. We saw in our story that Boaz agreed to be the family redeemer and purchase the land Naomi had lost when her husband died. He paid a debt on their behalf. In a similar way, Jesus paid the debt of sin for us, making Him our Redeemer. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read Titus 2:13-14.)
5. Can we really trust God to provide for us? Why?
Help kids recognize that Ruth’s story and many others throughout Scripture remind us that God cares and provides for His people. God has already provided all we need for salvation and eternal life, by sending His Son as our Redeemer. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read Phil. 4:19.)
6. What should you do if you know Jesus is the Redeemer?
Discuss with kids that all people have sinned, which means all people have a sin problem. But God, because of His mercy and grace, provided the Redeemer, Jesus. This is the good news of the gospel! Prompt kids to consider whether they have asked Jesus to redeem them. If they haven’t, encourage them to consider asking Him today. Challenge kids who have trusted in Jesus as their Redeemer to share the good news of the gospel with others. (Option: Choose a volunteer to read Mark 16:15)
+ Do some research to discover more about your family lineage.
+ Interview older relatives or use photo albums to introduce your kids to their heritage.
+ As you talk about your family, discuss the story of Ruth. Talk about what it means to be a part of God’s family and how Jesus has made that possible through His sacrifice.
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