Lifebridge Kids Weekly Recap

Lifebridge Kids – Unit 13: The People Disobey

Solomon’s sin of idolatry had led to the kingdom splitting in two. Just as the people were divided against each other, they divided against God. They continued to try to worship the one true God along with false gods around them. As a result, God raised up prophets to speak on His behalf and warn the people to worship Him alone.

Lifebridge Kids meets every Sunday during regular Gathering Times –  8:30a, 10a or 11:30a

Sunday, February 23, 2025 – Jeroboam Disobeyed God

Sin always leads us away from God. Jesus came to bring us back to God. Jesus is the true King who gave His life as a sacrifice so we can be forgiven of our sins. Jesus’ kingdom will last forever.

Did you know there are more than 500 different types of approved road signs in the United States? Signs like stop signs, speed limit signs, and road hazard signs are all designed to keep people safe. Can you imagine the chaos if these signs weren’t there? Or even worse, think about what would happen if the signs were giving the wrong instructions—like telling you to “Go” instead of “Stop”! 

Over and over, God instructed His people to remember His power and faithfulness. Instead of pointing the Israelites to the one true God, Jeroboam pointed the people away from God. Jeroboam led the people to worship false gods. Even after God sent a prophet to confront Jeroboam and his sin, the king continued to sin against God. Ultimately, his disobedience would lead to the destruction of his kingdom. 

Like a bad road sign that leads to chaos, our sin leads us away from God and breaks our relationship with Him. Ultimately, our disobedience leads to eternal separation from God. Thankfully, even in our sin, God loved us enough to send Jesus as the One to rescue us and lead us back to God. 

Sin always leads us away from God. Jesus came to bring us back to God. Jesus is the true King who gave His life as a sacrifice so we can be forgiven of our sins. Jesus’ kingdom will last forever. 

Listen, Israel:  The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 
Deuteronomy 6:4-5

1. How did the golden calves lead the people of Israel away from God? 

Remind kids that the golden calves were idols. Discuss how idolatry is a sin that always leads us away from God. Explain to the kids that when the people worshiped the golden calves they believed a lie and turned away from what was true. Remind kids that we were made to worship God alone.

2. What kinds of things can become idols in our lives?

Reflect back on the definition of idolatry. Discuss how any thing we love above God is an idol. Provide some examples of idols such as money, pride, friendships, and even sports. Discuss how idols will always disappoint us because they can never save us from our sin or give us what we need most—Jesus. Explain how only Jesus leads us back to God and saves us from our sin.

3. How can we stay away from idolatry?

Lead kids to discuss how the Bible always points us to what is true and helps us to know Jesus. Help kids understand that the more we are reminded of Jesus and what He has done for us, the more we should want to turn away from idols. Encourage kids to pray and ask God for help when they may be tempted to love something more than Him.

4. We may not worship idols that are made out of gold, but what are some other idols that we worship in place of the one true God?

Remind kids that any person or thing that we love or value more than God is an idol. An idol could be a person, even ourselves, we want to please more than the Lord or something that we desire more than God, like money. (Read Ex. 20:3-6.)

5. How can we keep ourselves from idolatry? 

Lead kids to understand that we often turn to idols because we think they can make us happy. Remind kids that only God can truly make our hearts happy because we were made for Him. Encourage kids to remember that God promises to help us flee from sin and follow Him. (Read 1 Cor. 10:13-14.)

6. Sin leads us away from God, so how can we get back to Him?

Discuss how we have a choice to turn from sin and turn to Jesus. Remind kids that Jesus came to bring us back to God and He also helps us love God above all else. Through Jesus’ death on the cross, God made a way for us to experience forgiveness and victory over sin. (Read 1 John 1:9.)

+ Take the family for a drive to get ice cream or a special treat.

+ On the way, ask your kids to point out the various road signs as you pass them.

+ Discuss the message each sign gives to drivers and how that message keeps us safe.

+ Remind your kids that God’s Word points us toward worship of the one true God, and it ultimately points us to Jesus as the Savior we need.