Lifebridge Women’s Galatians Bible Study


Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling ~ Philippians 2:12

As Christians, we know our salvation is not something we can earn, it is a gift of God’s grace. But what is our responsibility? As the verse above implies, we do have a part in our faith journey – to work out something – and we can only “work out” what we already possess. But what does this look like in our day to day lives? Are there rules to follow? Or are we exempt through Christ?

It might surprise you to know that the earliest Christ-followers were confused about this, too. The apostle Paul wrote a letter to the churches in Galatia to clear up areas of confusion and doubt, and to help them understand what God – not others – required of them. 

Join us for our next study in the book of Galatians and learn how to live a life of joyful obedience and freedom.


+ We encourage ALL attendees to consider meeting “new” friends by selecting no preference for a Table Leader.  In doing so this will help you expand your community within Women’s Ministry and we believe God will make some beautiful connections you may not have by staying at the same table. 

When registering, please indicate your table leader preference. Please note: the “formerly” table leaders listed will not be stewarding a table for this study and we are seeking leaders to step in to fill their roles for the Galatians study.  

+ The cost of this study is $10 and will include a Galatians Journal, homework questions and will also help provide snacks and refreshments for each study. 
(Please do not allow cost to keep you from this study – email [email protected] if a scholarship is needed)

+ This study begins Tuesday, January 7, and will offer a Tuesday Morning (9:30a) or Tuesday Evening (6:30p) option. PLEASE CLICK ON THE BOX BELOW TO REGISTER FOR EITHER THE MORNING OR EVENING STUDY. 
+ Childcare is ONLY offered for the morning study.