Our Finest Gifts We Bring – End of Year Giving

1.15.24 Update // 

God is continuing to bless our Kids and Student ministries through your gifts that are continuing to pour in! We will have an update for you in the coming weeks about how these resources will be used. 

Please know that we take great care in how we steward all of our resources and that includes how much email we send your way…

Unfortunately we accidentally sent a Lifebridge Kids Recap email on Sunday to our entire database. Please note that won’t continue to happen, but we hope it blessed your family to see what is going on in Lifebridge Kids. 

We are excited about what God is doing and grateful for your family being a part of it! 


1.7.24 Update //

This wouldn’t have been possible without families like yours stepping up to help. It’s exciting to think about how, through your gifts, we are investing in the next generation together and making Jesus known.

Thank you to the many families who have risen up with willing hearts and generous giving to help us get to more than 100% of the End of Year Giving goal! 

Thanks again for partnering with Lifebridge Church, but more importantly, thank you for partnering with the King and for the Kingdom of God.


If you didn’t get a chance to, but still want to be part of what God is doing through Lifebridge Kids and Students, it’s not too late!

Anything given above and beyond the original goal will help us do even more in these spaces.